Placed Dogs
Buckie, Counseling Assistance at Freshwater Education District, Wadena, MN
Denver, Counseling Assistance at Ogg Elementary, Brazosport ISD, Clute, TX
"Honestly, there are not enough good/positive words to describe Denver. He has just been the best addition to our staff and my family. Everyone who meets him leaves feeling so happy, calm and safe. I can tell he feels the same too! If Denver is not right beside me, everyone is asking me where he is. He is adored and has become quite the celebrity!"
-Katy Gipson, Counselor
Waffles, Private Therapy Dog, Cypress, TX
Waffles is a purpose bred Labrador/Golden Retriever cross from Interquest CARES, Michigan. He has several siblings making students' days better on campuses up north. We were so fortunate to bring him into our program in Texas. "Waffles enjoys school visits where he gets to interact with students and staff. His impact is felt by all. He brightens any room he goes into and loves the days when he gets to go to work. He will be expanding his visits to nursing homes and hospitals in the near future."
-Tracy Atkinson, Owner/Handler
Bear, Counseling Assistance at Arbor Creek Elementary, H-E-B ISD, Euless, TX
"Bear has been such a wonderful addition to our Arbor Creek Elementary family! The joy that he brings to the students and staff has made such a difference in their time at school. Just being able to watch a student go from a state of stress and anxiety to being calm and relaxed while interacting with Bear is so encouraging - he is changing lives and we are so grateful for him."
-Taylor McDermott, Counselor
Comet, Emotional/Behavioral Disorder Classroom Assistance at Detroit Lakes Middle School, Detroit Lakes, MN
"This sweet boy has been stealing hearts and doing his job since day one. There are several students who check in with him each morning, and he attends a variety of classes throughout the day. Students love getting to sit next to him while they read, take notes, or work on assignments. He’s been a particular comfort to a few students who have recently gone through significant changes outside of school."
-Detroit Lakes Middle School
"This sweet boy has been stealing hearts and doing his job since day one. There are several students who check in with him each morning, and he attends a variety of classes throughout the day. Students love getting to sit next to him while they read, take notes, or work on assignments. He’s been a particular comfort to a few students who have recently gone through significant changes outside of school."
-Detroit Lakes Middle School
Zeus, Counseling Assistance at Klein Collins High School, Klein, TX
"In the short time that Zeus has been at Klein Collins, he has made a huge impact already. In addition to being there for individual students needing comfort, he brings smiles to students and staff alike just by being present in the hallways. Students have said Zeus brings JOY to our campus and we certainly agree!"
-M'lee Brooks, Counselor
"In the short time that Zeus has been at Klein Collins, he has made a huge impact already. In addition to being there for individual students needing comfort, he brings smiles to students and staff alike just by being present in the hallways. Students have said Zeus brings JOY to our campus and we certainly agree!"
-M'lee Brooks, Counselor
Willow, Counseling Assistance at Melrose Area Public Schools, Melrose, Minnesota
"Willow has brought our students and staff so much love and joy! She has encouraged students to come to school when dealing with anxiety, has worked her magic of giving hugs when students have needed them and has opened the door for numerous students to finally share some of their struggles and uncomfortable feelings. Her calm demeanor welcomes all students and her silly side brings out laughs when we need them the most! Willow has made the toughest moments more manageable for all who interact with her." -Jennifer Nietfeld, Melrose School Social Worker.
"Willow has brought our students and staff so much love and joy! She has encouraged students to come to school when dealing with anxiety, has worked her magic of giving hugs when students have needed them and has opened the door for numerous students to finally share some of their struggles and uncomfortable feelings. Her calm demeanor welcomes all students and her silly side brings out laughs when we need them the most! Willow has made the toughest moments more manageable for all who interact with her." -Jennifer Nietfeld, Melrose School Social Worker.
Baxter, Speech Pathology/Counseling Assistance at Bell Manor Elementary, H-E-B ISD
"Baxter has given students who have difficulty reading extra confidence. He has increased positive behavior amongst our school by utilizing a reward system to earn time with him. It’s amazing to see how quickly he can turn a frown upside down with just his presence in the hallway during morning greeting." -Mckayla Morton, Speech Pathologist.
"Baxter has given students who have difficulty reading extra confidence. He has increased positive behavior amongst our school by utilizing a reward system to earn time with him. It’s amazing to see how quickly he can turn a frown upside down with just his presence in the hallway during morning greeting." -Mckayla Morton, Speech Pathologist.
CeCe, Counseling Assistance Dog at Cypress Creek High School, Cypress Fairbanks ISD
"CeCe has already been working wonders in the counseling office by helping students who struggle with depression and anxiety. The therapeutic benefits are AMAZING to watch as the demeanor of students change after having interaction with her."
Lenny, Counseling Assistance Dog at Black Elementary, Cypress Fairbanks ISD
"Lenny spends his days with our elementary students. He brings laughter and joy through rough times for our students and staff. He enjoys playing ball, sitting with students and being in the classroom all day. He truly thinks every day is "the best day ever!!" -Kyla Mote, Principal, Black Elementary
Trixie, Library/Bibliotherapy Dog at Copeland Elementary, Cypress Fairbanks ISD
“We absolutely love having Trixie here at Copeland,” said Ann Melancon, Copeland principal. “She has made such a difference in the short time we have had her. Student readers have gained confidence and she is a true comfort dog to students who are upset. Trixie is an integral part of our school library program as well.”
“We absolutely love having Trixie here at Copeland,” said Ann Melancon, Copeland principal. “She has made such a difference in the short time we have had her. Student readers have gained confidence and she is a true comfort dog to students who are upset. Trixie is an integral part of our school library program as well.”
Skye, Counseling Assistance Dog at Walker Elementary, Cypress Fairbanks ISD
“Having Skye on campus has already had more of a benefit than we could have even imagined,” Taylor said. “For example, a fifth grade student was learning how to pet Skye during our training and the student said ‘The first time I met Skye I was sad, but after spending a few minutes with her I was happy.’ That’s exactly why Skye is here: to help lift the mood and help us do what we’re here to do.”
“Having Skye on campus has already had more of a benefit than we could have even imagined,” Taylor said. “For example, a fifth grade student was learning how to pet Skye during our training and the student said ‘The first time I met Skye I was sad, but after spending a few minutes with her I was happy.’ That’s exactly why Skye is here: to help lift the mood and help us do what we’re here to do.”